// ZNIPPets.com, "Zozone2.js", by DocOzone... default basic setup... loaded = 0; window.onerror = function(){return false;} window.defaultStatus =""; function makeZflag() { this.NS = document.layers ? 1:0; this.IE = document.all ? 1:0; this.gecko = document.getElementById ? 1:0; this.mac = (navigator.appVersion.indexOf("Mac") > -1) ? 1:0; this.opera = (navigator.appName.indexOf("Opera") > -1) ? 1:0; } Zflag = new makeZflag(); function makeZbrowse() { this.id = "Zbrowse";} makeZbrowse.prototype.width = function() {return Zflag.IE?document.body.clientWidth:window.innerWidth;} makeZbrowse.prototype.height = function() {return Zflag.IE?document.body.clientHeight:window.innerHeight;} makeZbrowse.prototype.scrollY = function() {return Zflag.IE?document.body.scrollTop:pageYOffset;} makeZbrowse.prototype.scrollX = function() {return Zflag.IE?document.body.scrollLeft:pageXOffset;} Zbrowse = new makeZbrowse(); if (Zflag.NS) { layerstart = "document."; layerstyle = ""; } if (Zflag.gecko){ layerstart = "document.getElementById('"; layerstyle = "').style"; } if (Zflag.IE){ layerstart = "document.all."; layerstyle = ".style"; } function makeZobject( ID,wrapper,top,left,height,width,zindex,visibility,topGoal,leftGoal) { this.ID = ID ? ID : "Zobject"+(Zobject.length); this.DHTML = (wrapper && Zflag.NS) ? eval(layerstart + wrapper + "." + layerstart + this.ID + layerstyle) : eval(layerstart + this.ID + layerstyle); this.top = top ? top:0; this.left = left ? left:0; this.height = height ? height:0; this.width = width ? width:0; this.zindex = zindex ? zindex:(Zobject.length+1)*1000; this.visibility = visibility ? visibility:"visible"; this.topGoal = topGoal ? topGoal:top; this.leftGoal = leftGoal ? leftGoal:left; } makeZobject.prototype.setZall = function() { this.DHTML.top = this.top; this.DHTML.left = this.left; this.DHTML.zIndex = this.zindex; this.DHTML.height = this.height; this.DHTML.width = this.width; this.DHTML.visibility = this.visibility; } ZhideWindow = setTimeout('hideWin()',60000); numVisits=1; function setDefaultVars() { mDown=0;scrollDir=0;baseScroll=9;scrollActive=0;dragActive=0;Zlag=4; Ztravel=0;tempLeft2=0;tempTop2=0;dragTime=0;dragOffset=0;dragOffsetX=0;dragOffsetY=0; ZpulseOnOff=1;deBug=0;sizeRatio=1;whichWin=0;lastWhichWin=0;swooping=1;baseFont=9; Ypos=0;Xpos=0;sleeping=0;noSleep=0;sleepTime=30000;windowOpen=0;Zjustify=1;replayFlag=0; Zcount=0;Zpulse=0;Zruler=1;tempSlide=0;scrollPercent=0; saveWindow=5;wasCookie=0;winOpenCookie=0;lastVisit=0; // milliseconds to repeat & amount to scroll. Zrefresh = (Zflag.NS) ? 40:8; Zrefresh = ((Zflag.gecko && !Zflag.IE) || Zflag.opera) ? 40:Zrefresh; baseZlag = 4; baseZlag = (Zflag.gecko && !Zflag.IE) ? 2:baseZlag; baseZlag = (Zflag.opera) ? 12:baseZlag; baseZlag = (Zflag.mac) ? 4:baseZlag; } setDefaultVars(); if (Zflag.NS) { window.captureEvents(Event.MOUSEMOVE | Event.MOUSEDOWN | Event.MOUSEUP | Event.CLICK); window.onMouseMove = moveHandler; window.onMouseDown = StartE; window.onMouseUp = EndE;} else if ((Zflag.IE) || (Zflag.opera)) { document.onmousemove=moveHandler; document.onmousedown=StartE; document.onmouseup=EndE; document.ondragstart=StartE; document.onselectstart=dontDoIt; document.onclick= PrfFrostIE; } else if (Zflag.gecko) { document.addEventListener("mousedown", StartE, true); document.addEventListener("mousemove", moveHandler, true); document.addEventListener("mouseup", EndE, true); } function PrfFrostIE() {for (a in document.links) document.links[a].onfocus=document.links[a].blur;} function moveHandler(e) {if (!loaded) return false; Xpos = (Zflag.IE) ?event.x:e.pageX; Ypos = (Zflag.IE) ?event.y:e.pageY; clearTimeout(ZhideWindow); ZhideWindow = setTimeout('goSleep()',sleepTime); if (sleeping) goWake(); if ((mDown) && dragActive) dragScroller(); if ((mDown) && dragTime) dragWindow(); if (deBug) deBugDisp(); if ((Ypos<24) || (Ypos>Zbrowse.height()-24) || (Xpos<24) || (Xpos>Zbrowse.width()-24)) {EndE();} } function dragWindow() { for (m=16;m<=17;m++){ Zobject[m].top=Ypos-dragOffsetY; Zobject[m].left=Xpos-dragOffsetX; Zobject[m].setZall(); } Zobject[18].top=Ypos-dragOffsetY+20; Zobject[18].left=Xpos-dragOffsetX+8; Zobject[18].setZall(); sliderPip.top = Zobject[16].top + 16 + tempSlide; sliderPip.left = Zobject[16].left + Zobject[16].width-15; sliderPip.setZall();} function dragScroller() { scrollPercent = Math.abs((sliderPip.top - (Zobject[16].top + 16))/236); tempDrag = scrollPercent * 236; tempSliderTop = Ypos + dragOffset; if (tempSliderTop < Zobject[16].top + 16) tempSliderTop=Zobject[16].top + 16; if (tempSliderTop > Zobject[16].top + 16 + 236) tempSliderTop=Zobject[16].top + 16 + 236; tempSlide = tempSliderTop-(Zobject[16].top + 16); if ((scrollingText.top >= Ztravel) && (scrollingText.top <= 0)) { tempScrollTop = (Ztravel*scrollPercent); if (tempScrollTop > 0) tempScrollTop = 0; if (tempScrollTop < Ztravel) tempScrollTop = Ztravel; scrollingText.top = tempScrollTop; scrollingText.DHTML.top = tempScrollTop; sliderPip.top = tempSliderTop; sliderPip.DHTML.top = tempSliderTop; }} function deBugDisp() { window.status="dragActive="+dragActive+", dragTime="+dragTime+", scrollDir="+scrollDir +", whichWin="+whichWin+", scrollPercent="+Math.round(scrollPercent*100) +"%, Zrefresh="+Zrefresh+", Zlag="+Zlag+", Zruler="+Zruler +", mDown="+mDown+" ..."; } function StartE() { if (!loaded) return false; if (dragActive) { sliderGuard.DHTML.visibility="visible"; dragOffset=sliderPip.top-Ypos; mDown=1;return false; } if (dragTime) { sliderGuard.DHTML.visibility="visible"; mDown=1;dragOffsetY=Ypos-Zobject[16].top; dragOffsetX=Xpos-Zobject[16].left;return false; } if (scrollActive) { mDown=1;return false; }} function EndE() { mDown=0;scrollDir=0;baseScroll=9;scrollActive=0;dragTime=0; endDragSlider(); } function scrollUp() {if (dragActive) return false;controlScrolling(1);} function scrollDown() {if (dragActive) return false;controlScrolling(2);} function pageUpDown() {if (!loaded) return false; if (dragActive) return false; if (Ypos < sliderPip.top) { controlScrolling(3); } else { controlScrolling(4); }} function dragSlider() {dragActive = 1;} function endDragSlider() {if (!loaded) return false; if (!mDown) { dragActive = 0; dragTime = 0; sliderGuard.DHTML.visibility="hidden"; }} function stopScroll() {scrollDir=0;baseScroll=9;scrollActive=0;} function tempMoveWindow() { dragTime=1;} function tempStopWindow() { if (!mDown) dragTime=0;} function dontDoIt() { return false; } function goTop() { stopScroll(); scrollingText.top = 0; tempSlide = 0; scrollingText.DHTML.top = 0; scrollPercent = 0;} function goSleep() { if (noSleep) return false; if (windowOpen) { winHideShow(0);sleeping=1; ZcloseWindow = setTimeout('hideWin()',sleepTime*4); }} function goWake() {if (windowOpen) { winHideShow(1);sleeping=0; clearTimeout(ZcloseWindow); }} function controlScrolling(num) { if (num==1) { scrollDir=(-1);baseScroll=9; } if (num==2) { scrollDir=1;baseScroll=9; } if (num==3) { scrollDir=(-1);baseScroll=36; } if (num==4) { scrollDir=1;baseScroll=36; } scrollActive=1; scrollDistance = Math.round(baseScroll*(Zbrowse.width()/711));} Zobject = new Array(); function initZobjects() { // create list elements like this... name,wrapper,top,left,height,width,zindex Zobject[0] = new makeZobject('blurGlow', null, 401, -138, 17, 138, 1000); Zobject[1] = new makeZobject('blurGlowTop', null, 15, -138, 17, 138, 5000); Zobject[2] = new makeZobject('rulerTop', null, 6, 0, 36, 3600, 9999); Zobject[3] = new makeZobject('rulerBottom', null, 392, 0, 36, 3600, 9999); Zobject[4] = new makeZobject('logo', null, 15, -484, 211, 484, 2000,'hidden'); Zobject[5] = new makeZobject('copyright', null, 428, -1716, 54, 500, 2000); Zobject[6] = new makeZobject('actionArea', null, 15, 0, 403, Zbrowse.width(), 100); Zobject[7] = new makeZobject('asylumIsland', null, 32, 0, 367, 3600, 101); Zobject[8] = new makeZobject('Ztutorialsites', null, 371, -1144, 17, 120, 200); Zobject[9] = new makeZobject('Zozoneasylum', null, 371, -944, 17, 120, 210); Zobject[10] = new makeZobject('Zinterfaces', null, 371, -744, 17, 120, 220); Zobject[11] = new makeZobject('Zplaysites', null, 371, -544, 17, 120, 230); Zobject[12] = new makeZobject('Zworksites', null, 371, -344, 17, 120, 240); Zobject[13] = new makeZobject('Zimagearchives', null, 371, -144, 17, 120, 250); Zobject[14] = new makeZobject('subButtons', null, 356, -800, 13, 485, 300); Zobject[15] = new makeZobject('Zreplay3a', null, 371, -1344, 21, 21, 190); Zobject[16] = new makeZobject('contentBackground', null, 48, -2000, 300, Zbrowse.width()-460-32, 16000,'hidden'); Zobject[17] = new makeZobject('goldControls', null, 48, -2000, 300, Zbrowse.width()-460-32, 17000,'hidden'); Zobject[18] = new makeZobject('textWrapper', null, 68, -2000, 276, Zbrowse.width()-460-32-35, 18000,'hidden'); Zobject[19] = new makeZobject('ZozonicLabs', null, 337, -200, 16, 106, 400); Zobject[20] = new makeZobject('copyLeft', null, 428, -1716, 54, 500, 2000); Zobject[21] = new makeZobject('Zalignment', null, -11, -600, 14, 43, 1000); sliderPip = new makeZobject('Zslider', null, 64, -2000, 32, 13, 20000,'hidden'); sliderGuard = new makeZobject('ZsliderGuard', null, 0, 0, Zbrowse.height()*2, Zbrowse.width()*2, 999999,'hidden'); sliderGuard2 = new makeZobject('ZsliderGuard2', null, 0, 0, Zbrowse.height()*2, Zbrowse.width()*2, 9998,'hidden'); scrollingText = new makeZobject('loadedText', 'textWrapper', 0, 0, 360, Zbrowse.width()-460-32-35, 9000); } topGoals = new Array(401,15,6,392, 15,428,15,32, 371,371,371,371,371,371,356,371, 48,48,68,337,428,-11); leftGoals = new Array(0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0); leftGoals[7] = -1488; buttonNames = new Array( "imagearchives","worksites","playsites","interfaces","ozoneasylum","tutorialsites","replay3a", "ozonicLabs","contact","cams","preferences","whois","aLeft","aRight"); buttons = new Array(); for (m=0; m 11) {fooTemp = "document.Zalignment.document.Zalign"; } else { fooTemp = "document.subButtons.document." + buttonNames[des]; } eval(fooTemp+".src = buttons[des+(num*buttonNames.length)].src"); } else { if (des > 11) {document.Zalign.src = buttons[des+(num*buttonNames.length)].src; } else { document.images[buttonNames[des]].src = buttons[des+(num*buttonNames.length)].src; } } }} function swapJustify(num) { if (Zjustify) {des=13;} else {des=12;} swap(des,num);} function changeJustify() { if (Zjustify) {Zjustify=0;swap(12,0);} else {Zjustify=1;swap(13,0);} setLeftGoals();} function loadHeader(url) { if (!loaded) return false; if (document.images) { if (Zflag.NS) { fooTemp = "document.goldControls.document.headerImage";} else { document.headerImage.src = url; }}} waitingText = "Please wait, loading... "; function hideWin() {windowOpen=0;swap(whichWin,0);whichWin=0;winHideShow(0); } function winHideShow(num) { if (num) visVar = "visible"; else visVar = "hidden"; Zobject[18].visibility=visVar; Zobject[17].visibility=visVar; Zobject[16].visibility=visVar; sliderPip.visibility=visVar; for (m=16;m<=18;m++){ Zobject[m].setZall();} sliderPip.setZall();} id="loadedText";nestref="textWrapper"; function showWin(num) { lastWhichWin=whichWin; whichWin=num; windowOpen=1; swap(lastWhichWin,0); swap(num,1); if (!wasCookie) goTop(); setFontSizes(); winHideShow(1); headerImg = "/ourWalls/images/headers/"+ buttonNames[num] + ".gif"; loadHeader("/ourWalls/images/headers/dontdrag.gif"); if (Zflag.IE) {document.all[id].innerHTML = waitingText;} else if(Zflag.gecko) {document.getElementById(id).innerHTML = waitingText;} url = "/ourWalls/content/"+ buttonNames[num] + ".html"; if (Zflag.NS) { lyr = (nestref)? eval('document.'+nestref+'.document.'+id) : document.layers[id]; lyr.load(url,Zobject[18].width); lyr.onLoad = getTextHeight;loadHeader(headerImg);} else if(Zflag.IE) { parent.tempText.location = url; } else if(Zflag.gecko) { document.getElementById('tempText').src = url; }} function getTextHeight() { if (Zflag.NS) {scrollingText.height=document.textWrapper.document.loadedText.document.height;} if (Zflag.Opera) {scrollingText.height=document.getElementById('loadedText').style.pixelHeight;} else if (Zflag.IE) {scrollingText.height=document.all.loadedText.offsetHeight;} else if (Zflag.gecko) {scrollingText.height=document.getElementById('loadedText').offsetHeight;} Ztravel = 0-(scrollingText.height-276); } goTopString = " top of page | close " function showPage() { loadHeader(headerImg); if (Zflag.IE) { document.all[id].innerHTML = parent.tempText.document.body.innerHTML + goTopString;} else if(Zflag.gecko) { document.getElementById(id).innerHTML = window.frames['tempText'].document.getElementById('theBody').innerHTML + goTopString;} getTextHeight();fixScrollingHeight();} function setLeftGoals() { if (Zjustify) { leftGoals = new Array(-138,-138,(Zbrowse.width()-3600)/2,(Zbrowse.width()-3600)/2,Zbrowse.width()-516, Zbrowse.width()-539,0,leftGoals[7],0,0,0,0,0,0,Zbrowse.width()-519,Zbrowse.width() - 32, 32,32,40,Zbrowse.width()-146,-1716,Zbrowse.width()-115); for (m=8;m<=13;m++){leftGoals[m] = Zbrowse.width() - 50 - ((m-7)*108);} widthGoal = Zbrowse.width()-392; if (widthGoal<262) { widthGoal=262;} } else { leftGoals = new Array(-138,-138,(Zbrowse.width()-3600)/2,(Zbrowse.width()-3600)/2,-56, -1716,0,leftGoals[7],0,0,0,0,0,0,-56,680, 360,360,368,34,28,77); for (m=8;m<=13;m++){leftGoals[m] = 14 + ((m-8)*108);} widthGoal = Zbrowse.width()-392; if (widthGoal<262) { widthGoal=262;} } for (m=0;m 711) { Zlag = Math.ceil(baseZlag * (711/Zbrowse.width()));if (Zlag < 2) Zlag=2; scrollDistance = Math.round(11*sizeRatio);} topOffset = (Zbrowse.height()-460)/2.8; if (topOffset < 2) { topOffset = -42; } else if (topOffset < 8) { topOffset = -14; } for (m=0;m Zobject[17].top+Zobject[17].height)) {scrollDir = 0;} else if (Ypos < sliderPip.top) { scrollDir = (scrollDir>(-1)) ? 0:(-1);} else if (Ypos > sliderPip.top+32) { scrollDir = (scrollDir<1) ? 0:1;} else { scrollDir = 0; } if ((mDown) && scrollActive) { if ((scrollingText.top >= Ztravel) && (scrollingText.top <= 0)) { tempScrollTop = scrollingText.top -(scrollDistance*scrollDir); if (tempScrollTop > 0) tempScrollTop = 0; if (tempScrollTop < Ztravel) tempScrollTop = Ztravel; scrollingText.top = tempScrollTop; scrollingText.DHTML.top = tempScrollTop; if (scrollingText.height > 276) { scrollPercent = Math.abs(scrollingText.top)/(scrollingText.height-276); tempSlide = Math.round(scrollPercent * 236); } }}} function fixWindowWidth() { if (!Zflag.NS) { setFontSizes(); tempWidth = widthGoal - Zobject[16].width; if (Math.floor(Math.abs(tempWidth)) > 0) { tempWidth = (Math.abs(tempWidth) < 72) ? Math.round(tempWidth/(Zlag/2)) : Math.round(tempWidth/(Zlag)); Zobject[16].width = Zobject[16].width + tempWidth; Zobject[17].width = Zobject[16].width; Zobject[18].width = Zobject[16].width - 35; scrollingText.DHTML.width = Zobject[18].width; clipString = "rect(0px " + Zobject[16].width + "px " + Zobject[16].height + "px 0px)"; Zobject[16].DHTML.clip = clipString; clipString = "rect(0px " + Zobject[17].width + "px " + Zobject[17].height + "px 0px)"; Zobject[17].DHTML.clip = clipString; clipString = "rect(0px " + Zobject[18].width + "px " + Zobject[18].height + "px 0px)"; Zobject[18].DHTML.clip = clipString; getTextHeight(); tempScrollTop = Math.floor(Ztravel * scrollPercent); scrollingText.top = tempScrollTop; scrollingText.DHTML.top = tempScrollTop;}}} function fixTopLeft(num) { tempLeft = Zobject[num].leftGoal - Zobject[num].left; if (Math.abs(tempLeft) > 0) { tempLeft = (Math.abs(tempLeft) < 72) ? Math.round(tempLeft/(Zlag/2)) : Math.round(tempLeft/Zlag); Zobject[num].left = Zobject[num].left + tempLeft; } tempTop = Zobject[num].topGoal - Zobject[num].top; if (Math.abs(tempTop) > 0) { tempTop = Math.round((Zobject[num].topGoal - Zobject[num].top)/Zlag); Zobject[num].top = Zobject[num].top + tempTop;} if (Math.abs(tempLeft) < .5) { Zobject[num].left = Zobject[num].leftGoal; } } function fix() { if (!loaded) return false; if ((Zbrowse.scrollX() != 0) || (Zbrowse.scrollY() != 0)) { scrollTo(0,0); } if (dragActive || scrollActive) doScrollingStuff(); if (widthGoal != Zobject[16].width) fixWindowWidth(); if (ZpulseOnOff) { if (Zpulse) { Zobject[0].leftGoal = Math.floor(Math.sin(Zcount)*((Zbrowse.width()-138)*1.25))+(Zbrowse.width()/2); Zobject[1].leftGoal = Math.floor(Math.sin(Zcount+1.414)*((Zbrowse.width()-138)*1.25))+(Zbrowse.width()/2); Zcount = Zcount + .04;} else {Zobject[0].leftGoal = -138;Zobject[1].leftGoal = -138;}} if (Zruler) { for (m=2;m<=3;m++) { fixTopLeft(m);Zobject[m].setZall(); }} tempLeft2 = Zobject[15].leftGoal - Zobject[15].left; tempTop2 = Zobject[15].topGoal - Zobject[15].top; if ((tempLeft2 != 0) || (tempTop2 != 0)) { for (m=0;m=16) && (m<=18)) return false; if ((!Zruler) && (m==2 || m==3)) { fixTopLeft(m); } else if (m!=2 && m!=3) { fixTopLeft(m); } Zobject[m].setZall(); }} if (!dragTime || !mDown){ for (m=16;m<=18;m++){ if ((Zobject[m].topGoal != Zobject[m].top) || (Zobject[m].leftGoal != Zobject[m].left)) { fixTopLeft(m);Zobject[m].setZall(); }}} sliderPip.top = Zobject[16].top + 16 + tempSlide; sliderPip.left = Zobject[16].left + Zobject[16].width-15; sliderPip.setZall(); if (Zruler) {Zobject[2].leftGoal = -Xpos;Zobject[3].leftGoal = Xpos-1800; } baseSpeeed=16; speeed=0; if ((YposZobject[6].top+Zobject[6].height)) {Zpulse=1;bkgDir=0;} else { Zpulse=0; if (Xpos >= Zbrowse.width()-(Zbrowse.width()/4)) { bkgDir = -1; speeed1= Zbrowse.width()/4 ; speeed2= Xpos-((Zbrowse.width()/4)*3); speeed= Math.floor((speeed2/speeed1) * baseSpeeed); speeed= speeed*speeed; } else if (Xpos <= (Zbrowse.width()/4)) { bkgDir = 1; speeed1= Zbrowse.width()/4 ; speeed2= (Zbrowse.width()/4)-Xpos; speeed= Math.floor((speeed2/speeed1) * baseSpeeed); speeed= speeed*speeed; } } leftGoals[7] = leftGoals[7] + (speeed*bkgDir); if (leftGoals[7] > -600) {leftGoals[7] = leftGoals[7] -1200; Zobject[7].left = Zobject[7].left -1200;} if (leftGoals[7] < -2200) { Zobject[7].left = Zobject[7].left +1200; leftGoals[7] = leftGoals[7] +1200; } Zobject[7].leftGoal = leftGoals[7]; } //Important! Don't delete this next bit... onload=delayedSetup; onresize=setup; onunload=setCookie; function doNothing() { fooStuff=0; } function setNewInterval(num) { clearInterval(ZrefreshID); Zrefresh = num; ZrefreshID = setInterval('fix()',num);} function setVariable(varName,value) { eval(varName + " = " + value); if (varName=="baseZlag")Zlag = Math.ceil(baseZlag * (711/Zbrowse.width()));if (Zlag < 2) Zlag=2;} function resetDefaults() { setDefaultVars(); Zlag = Math.ceil(baseZlag * (711/Zbrowse.width()));if (Zlag < 2) Zlag=2; top.replayIntro(); } // ---------------------- // ZNIPPets.com, "Zcookie.js", by DocOzone... default basic setup... function getCookie() { return false; now = new Date(); ozoneCookie = unescape(document.cookie); if (ozoneCookie.length <= 0) { wasCookie=0; return false; } wasCookie=1; startWhere = ozoneCookie.indexOf("foo=")+4; ozoneCookie = ozoneCookie.substring(startWhere,ozoneCookie.length) + ";"; eval(ozoneCookie + ";"); tempBrowseWide = (document.all)?document.body.clientWidth:window.innerWidth; Zlag = Math.ceil(baseZlag * (711/tempBrowseWide));if (Zlag < 2) Zlag=2; if ((now.getTime() - lastVisit) < (saveWindow * 60 * 1000)) { if (windowOpen) { setTimeout('showWin(whichWin);swap(whichWin,1)',1500);} else { windowOpen=0;scrollPercent=0;numVisits = numVisits + 1; }} setTimeout('wasCookie=0',3000);} function setCookie() { now = new Date(); fooStuff = "lastVisit=" + now.getTime() + ";numVisits=" + numVisits + ";windowOpen=" + windowOpen + ";Zrefresh=" + Zrefresh + ";baseZlag=" + baseZlag + ";Zruler=" + Zruler + ";ZpulseOnOff=" + ZpulseOnOff + ";deBug=" + deBug+ ";noSleep=" + noSleep+ ";sleepTime=" + sleepTime+ ";saveWindow=" + saveWindow + ";Zjustify=" + Zjustify ; if (windowOpen) fooStuff = fooStuff + ";scrollPercent="+scrollPercent+";whichWin="+whichWin; fooStuff = escape(fooStuff); dateWhen = new Date(); dateWhen.setTime(now.getTime() + (365 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000)); //<-- one year save cookie; document.cookie = "foo=" + fooStuff + "; expires=" + dateWhen.toGMTString();} function killCookie() { dateWhen = new Date(); dateWhen.setTime(now.getTime() - (365 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000)); document.cookie = "foo=;expires=" + dateWhen.toGMTString();} // --------------- function fixScrollingHeight() { tempSlide = Math.round(scrollPercent * 236); tempScrollTop = Math.floor(Ztravel * scrollPercent); scrollingText.top = tempScrollTop; scrollingText.DHTML.top = tempScrollTop; }